

Neuralink, like many other conceived technologies, created or not as of yet, have the power for a huge amount of good. But this must be weighed up against the potential bad and government regulation must be brought into the question.

As of yet, governments around the world have been slow regulating the likes of social media giants and cryptocurrency, with consistent policies still yet

Governments must prepare themselves for whatever may come next and be in front of the ball for when these technologies arrive. None of these technologies will be as important to regulate however as artificial intelligence, human/machine symbiosis and modifications. Technology like this has the ability to create massive amounts of discrimination, and the question of how far an employer can go to request candidates who perhaps have certain modifications or technologies.

These questions will be at the center of discussion in the coming decades and governments around the world must be ready to take on the challenge of facing them head on.

Human/Machine Symbiosis

A positive outlook for humanity on this topic would be the possibility that if artificial intelligence is indeed benevolent, however far exceeding our abilities, a symbiosis between human and machine is possible.

While some will definitely take a more conservative stance on this, it may end up being our last chance of surviving in a “post-singularity” world. We must keep ahead of the curve if we are to survive in an AI driven world.

By the looks of it, Neuralink poses to do just this.

If we can begin to accept the idea of Human/Machine symbiosis at this basic level, we may be more prepared to take on the future, and help ensure the best possible outcomes.